Dr (now Professor) Peter Edwards - top lecturer at University of Southampton in 1970s

By far the best lecturer I have ever listened to was my tutor and plant ecology lecturer at the University of Southampton, Dr P.J.Edwards - who went on to be Professor at Geobotanisches Institut ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; I was delighted that he was able to attend the presentation I gave in Zurich about 'Plant Hunting in the Himalaya' (see: https://sites.google.com/a/shpa.org.uk/main/lectures-outside-uk, scrolling down to 2000). Peter had interviewed me for a place to study botany at Southampton; as I had completed an ecological study of woodlands for my 'A' level Biology course, there was plenty to talk about. Subsequently, after myself and one other student got significantly different results during a plant ecology practical on Chilworth Manor Lawn as part of my final year Plant Ecology course, he observed, "The trouble with your two is that you have minds of your own - and you can keep them!". There is something in that but having a "mind of my own" allows me to challenge what is wrong! I am still convinced "we" were correct, as we were by far the best as at observing and identifying plants in the class! The lecture he delivered about the ecology of dung was hilarious yet full of impressive scientific content, which every student paid attention to. My own approach to presentations has always attempted to emulate Peter by being entertaining and informative.

If you would like to find out more about Professor Peter Edwards, see:


